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Nam Lolwe
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Under the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)’s sixth mandate to “carry out socio-economic research on aspects relevant to fisheries, environment and other aquatic resources” (2019), seven fishermen (men) and three fishmongers (women) in Homa Bay, a fishing community roughly two hours from Kisumu that sits along Lake Victoria, participated in the Photovoice workshop, with support from KMFRI scientist, Mr. Fredrick Guya. A month prior to the workshop dates, Mr. Guya contacted the Chairman of the Homa Bay Beach Management Unit (BMU), one of many fishers’ associations around Lake Victoria mandated to manage local fisheries and reduce poverty, to organize the workshop and secure participation.


The PhotoVoice workshop invited local stakeholders to document their day-to-day experience in their fishing community with a focus on the ecological and social changes they have noticed, the resulting challenges, and any associated conflicts. The workshop was a forum for dialogue between fishermen and researchers. The photos served as medium to illustrate the points community members wished to make concerning what they felt to be the major security concerns impacting their wellbeing and the lake’s sustainability.


Participants co-produced this short film about the experience and the dynamic, interwoven social-ecological dilemmas that affect social-ecological justice from lake to plate.

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