Imagine to Transform
By Crhis Daniela Nicolla Eche Zapatas | Age 12
Imagine to transform what we want to build. In my life there is a town called lobitos, where I was born and began to build my life alongside my family, who support me a lot to achieve the goals that I want to achieve.
In the last 3 years that have passed, I have learned to ride waves. My dad was a fisherman. He was one of the only fishermen in our community who learned to surf a board and thank God, he is supporting me with my dreams. Through surfing, I learned to express my emotions more and have built confidence in myself because surfing helped me overcome my fears and jump over my obstacles.
Here in Lobitos, we are privileged because we were born in a paradise and we work so that our beaches can be clean, there are not many problems, it is all quiet and we can find resources from the sea for example: such as shellfish, fish, snails, octopus, etc. (You can sell them or you can feed your family).
In the future, I want to fulfill my goals, my dreams and my wishes with the help of God and surfing. The dreams I want to fulfill are: study languages, have a surf job, help everyone who wants to fulfill their goals, and create music that contains lyrics about nature and our lives that we are going through. My life definition is to make a project where all the people who like to make music can learn to play instruments and write songs with their creativity.

Girls with dreams become women with vision. Together with KAHANI, a new print magazine scheduled to publish a preview issue on International Women’s Day 2021, girls from around the world will come together to share personal stories that will inform, elevate and inspire one another.
The following is a short story written by Crhis, the daughter of a local fisherman from Lobitos, Peru who loves surfing and dreams of starting a music school here in her fishing village.